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Hanoi kinder kids welcome Kim [PHOTOS]

2024-10-07 18:50:46      点击:056

Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk
Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk
The Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten opened on Mar. 8, 1978. It was built with financial support from North Korea's first leader Kim Il-sung. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk
The Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten had 120 students when it opened. Now some 500 children attend the facility that has 17 classrooms. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk
A picture of North Korea's second leader Kim Jong-il, the late father of the current leader Jong-un, is decorated inside the "Kim Jong-il Classroom" at the Vietnam-North Korean Friendship Kindergarten. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Kim Jong-un's first day in Vietnam [PHOTOS] Kim Jong-un's first day in Vietnam [PHOTOS] 2019-02-26 11:47  |  North Korea
Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk
The Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten told The Korea Times photographer Tuesday that it hopes North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will drop by during his visit to Hanoi for his second summit with U.S. President Donald Trump that starts Wednesday. But a visit to the kindergarten isn't known to be on Kim's official agenda while in Hanoi. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk
Children at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten wear traditional Korean clothes ― "hanbok" ― as they make decorations for their classrooms and perform a dance. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Vietnamese children wave the national flags of Vietnam and North Korea during an arts festival at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten in Hanoi Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second North Korea-U.S. summit that starts Wednesday. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk
Vietnamese children at the Vietnam-North Korea Friendship Kindergarten learn the Korean language as part of their curriculum in respect to the two countries' historical ties ― they were allies in the Vietnam War. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Salvation Army 'ready to help N. Korea'
North Korean defectors' group says it sent leaflets to North overnight