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Conservatives call for practical results from Moon

2024-10-07 20:06:18      点击:869
Main conservative Liberty Party of Korea (LKP) members watch the live broadcast of President Moon Jae-in arriving at the Pyongyang Sunan International Airport for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,<strong></strong> at the LKP's National Assembly headquarters, Tuesday. Yonhap
Main conservative Liberty Party of Korea (LKP) members watch the live broadcast of President Moon Jae-in arriving at the Pyongyang Sunan International Airport for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, at the LKP's National Assembly headquarters, Tuesday. Yonhap

By Jung Da-min

South Korea's main conservative Liberty Korea Party (LKP) says President Moon Jae-in should settle for nothing less than actual results on the North Korean nuclear issue.

"The summit should result in a great achievement in accelerating the complete denuclearization of North Korea," the party's spokesman Rep. Yoon Young-seok said Tuesday.

"Denuclearization of North Korea is a national desire to achieve for the safety of the people of the Republic of Korea and for the sake of national security."

The LKP also said Moon's visit to the North should not be limited to achieving a resumption of talks between North Korea and the U.S., on which the President said he would focus.

Meanwhile, North Korea's propaganda websites, including DPRK Today, Uriminzokkiri and Arirangmeari, on the same day published articles lambasting the South Korean conservative parties.

In particular, Uriminzokkiri criticized former Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn, who served during former President Park Geun-hye's term, calling him an "opportunist."

The outlet also criticized LKP leader Kim Byung-joon.

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